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Robin James
Writer & Creative
"As I was reading this simple book, I realized that many suspicions I have had over the years about corporations and governments guiding us in their plans are all discussed here. Awaken and find your own personal freedom to choose your path ahead and not be constantly pushed by media matrix messages intended to suggest how you spend your time and money, and what to believe. This is the Awaking Manual that everyone has been searching for!"
Daria Sherman, PhD
Metaphysical Counselor, Author, Healer & Reiki Master
"We have been living under censorship established from the earliest eras of civilization that have many people programmed to believe inherently false narratives. Chantie potently exposes conjured fear-based realities while offering guidance to the reader toward inner freedom. Her words give assurance that from the ashes of chaos, a new world is emerging that is for the good of all humanity. The phoenix of love is rising!"
Dr. Leonard Knell, MD
Inventor of Life Shield Laser
"This book gives the reader a tremendous amount of extremely valuable information, especially pertinent to the current state of our world. I believe that the moree individuals who resonate with what the writer has to say, the faster our world will change for the better. As the consciousness of the people in the world rises, so will the condition of our world rise. This book is small in pages but mighty in content! Everyone should read this!"
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